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Partnership Inquiry

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※ I agree to the provision and use of personal information.

Privacy Policy

■ Personal Information Collected
The company collects personal information for membership registration, consultation, and service application.
ο Collected Items: Author, Email
ο Method of Collection: Website (form submission)

■ Purpose of Collecting and Using Personal Information
The company uses the collected personal information for the following purposes

- Management of website bulletin boards and handling complaints

■ Retention and Use Period of Personal Information
In principle, the company will immediately destroy the information after the purpose of collection and use has been achieved. However, if there is a need to retain information according to relevant laws, the company will keep member information for a certain period as defined by the relevant laws.

- Retained Items: Name, Login ID
- Reason for Retention: To prevent confusion in the use of services
- Retention Period: 5 years | By the provisions of relevant laws such as the Commercial Act and the Act on Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce, if it is necessary to retain member information, the company will retain the information for the period specified by the relevant laws. In such cases, the company will use the stored information solely for the purpose of retention, and the retention periods are as follows

- Records related to contracts or withdrawal of subscriptions: 5 years (Act on Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce)
- Records on payment and supply of goods: 5 years (Act on Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce)
- Records on consumer complaints or dispute resolution: 3 years (Act on Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce)
- Records on the collection/processing and use of credit information: 3 years (Act on the Use and Protection of Credit Information)